From the Castle to the Forest

The Journey to Invisible Wealth


To the first of many newsletters.

Here’s some context on the “why” and the “what” to expect.


As many of you know, I left the castle for the forest back in 2022. Why? Because of insight and intuition.

  1. Insight: While I was in the wealth management advisor seat, and through thousands of client conversations, I noticed that mindsets were shifting. I noticed people becoming increasingly interested in thinking about wealth in a holistic way, in a multi-dimensional way. People starting to revisit and redefine their concept of wealth.

  2. Intuition: Plus, intuition told me that these insights were mere glimpses of what’s to come. Technological advancements and societal shifts are ushering in a new wealth paradigm, a paradigm that’s providing us with an incredibly unique opportunity to revisit what we value. And when we revisit value, we inherently revisit wealth because we’re wealthy when we have an abundance of what we value.

After leaving the castle walls, I stepped into the forest and was greeted with a publishing deal. As the saying goes: “nature loves courage”. Needless to say, I was an excited girl. I signed the publishing deal all the while (eagerly and naively) agreeing to write Invisible Wealth in 9 weeks. The book hit the shelves 9 months later. This invites the question: what is Invisible Wealth?

Unsplash by Theo Eilertsen


And that’s exactly what I’ll be sharing with you in the emails to come.

As a preview, Invisible Wealth is a concept for redefining wealth—for embracing a multi-dimensional interpretation of the word. With that in mind, I developed the 5 Principles of Invisible Wealth, which provides a framework for this expanded interpretation. Here are the principles:

  1. Money and Investment

  2. Health and Quality of Life

  3. Knowledge, Status, & Influence

  4. Time, Energy, & Experiences

  5. Relationship with Self, & Others

Each principle presents a group of assets that we go through life wanting to attain more of, albeit at different points in time in our lives. These assets are all inherently valuable to the human experience, to human flourishing—which is exactly why I want to share these golden nuggets of information with you…

As I frolic the forest gathering acorns of insights—it feels silly not to share them with you. My goal is to provide you with a rich synthesis of my findings on all things wealth. All things wealth through a future-forward lens. I’ll share my insights, along with other people’s too. Hashtag collective intelligence.

As for frequency, I’m a quality over quantity kind of girl, so you can expect one email a month from me. 😊 

Until next time, wishing you wealth—always, all ways.
